11 de noviembre de 2011

October 2011

The publication of this blog post marks my first month here (not in Colombia) but in La Sabana. October was, as the cliché goes, one hell of a roller coaster ride. 

  • I arrived at the destination country alive.
  • I did not encounter any transit/visa/document problems, considering I had to travel to two other countries before finally getting here.
  • I did not have to pay for excess baggage fees or any other unwanted transactions. 
  • I work for one of the best universities in the country.
  • I have the best jefe in the world!
  • I spent Halloween with little children all dressed up in their tiny little costumes. Special thanks to Andres for dragging me out of bed and convincing me to wear pajamas and a gorro as my costume. No regrets!
  • I live in a fantastic little community where there are small shops, parks and cute dogs around: not to mention Centro Comercial Santafe (one of the biggest malls in the city) being located just a calle away.
  • I was impoverished beyond imaginable level in the last two weeks of the month.
  • I had been really sick for some unexplainable reason.
  • I was robbed. With a knife. During my first weekend. WELCOME TO COLOMBIA
  • I had to wear really uncomfortable shoes for a month that kept my feet cold and sad.
  • I had to be cellphone-less for a month. Longest I've gone without this handy dandy gadget.
But now that November has begun, things have been going on pretty well and smoothly. Thanks to Alejo (an alcoholic AIESECer), I now temporarily own a cellphone that allows me to go around the city without worrying about losing myself to creepy Latino men. Also, I am not that deprived anymore of material things that I could purchase with dinero! I hate sounding so superficial here but seriously. Whoever said that money cannot buy happiness probably lived in a cave. 

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