17 de noviembre de 2011

I Will Survive!

I got my urine test results yesterday, and after consulting the doctor, I just confirmed that something is indeed wrong with me. Let's say it's some sort of urinary infection, and I gotta take antibiotics for that. This also involves massive lower abdominal and back pains: for that I have to load up on Ibuprofen. Now I'm feeling all drugged (irritable, grumpy and depressed). And the latest HIMYM episode isn't helping at all. Gah why does life have to be like this? I had to miss work today in the fear that the body pain I experienced yesterday might recur. I've been missing work a lot and I feel really really bad cause I just don't like being absent and people to have a bad impression of me. I'm scared I might get fired for this but...

Oh and by the way, if you're wondering how Sunday night went, IT WAS DAMN AMAZING. We hit one of the biggest gay bars in South America! LOOOOL. Gay couples making out like it's so normal. Very normal. Nice place, I must say. I don't wanna delve into tiny details, but long story short, it was an amazing night ;) 

So, my friends. I shall now start being productive and do something to make me feel less guilty about being absent. And my students are taking their exams today!!! Wow I feel bad :/ But as Kevin says, doing bad things doesn't make you a bad person. Thanks Kevin!

PS: Because of all these medications, I will definitely not survive this month. Just sayin'.

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