15 de febrero de 2014


So it's been almost two years!

And saying that a lot has changed is an understatement. This quick list would show you exactly why. 

There are too many who's what's when's where's how's and why's to answer, and I shall try to cover all that in a post or two.

I'm not in Colombia anymore.

Well girls and boys, I'm sure a lot of you have experienced the novelty of being in a foreign country. How everything in the beginning just seems so bright and shiny -- like opening a present -- that even buying your first loaf of bread there is Instagram-worthy.

On the other hand, I'm also quite certain that only a few could relate to me when I say that living in that country after a year or so could definitely tire you out. How waking up and knowing how exactly your day is going to be could drive you N U T S. Factor in not seeing your family and friends for that long and being utterly clueless about your future, and you get a very good reason to book a ticket back home. 

Also, buying bread isn't as fun anymore (though buying bread is always fun). Maybe that's why I decided to come home?
my favorite loaf of bread
I'm very, very but happily single.

I'm single and having fun! Getting to spend more time with family and friends is just priceless, especially since I constantly beat my brains out thinking about leaving. Being in my comfort zone means being comfortable enough with the people around me and not trying to impress anybody by not farting out loud in public.

I'm 30 pounds heavier.

Now this is just sad. Perhaps the saddest part of my life right now. A few months before I decided to come home was when it all started. Maybe it was the confusion? All the emotions? The homesickness? Whatever it was, I ate them all away, and seven months, a few plane rides and a good amount of beer and whisky later, my clothes from last year won't fit anymore. 

Also, who wouldn't weigh as much if she had this as her date for Valentine's Day?
Dreamy, huh?
I don't drink (as much) anymore!

To be honest, I think the massive weight gain was MAJORLY caused by alcohol, and it has been the only bad thing it has caused me thus far. To be able to wear my clothes again, I told alcohol that I needed a break. And now I'm seeing water behind alcohol's back. I just hope water doesn't bore me soon, or else I might have to get back together with alcohol.
Goodbye for now, Alcohol.
(photo from Google)
These changes are the exact same reasons why I decided to revive this blog. And if you read on, I guarantee you a thing or two about food, lifestyle and adventures, and I'm sure there's just something in there every twenty-something could relate to.

PS: My next post would be on the highlights of my life between the last post and this, so stay tuned!

Chaulin, penguin!

4 comentarios:

  1. I want to be the first person to comment and say that I'm glad you're back! Can't wait for your future posts, especially when it comes to something as wonderful as...FOOD!

  2. I didn't know about this blog, and I have to say that I can't believe that you are not drinking.

    1. Jotaaaaaaa I just revived it! I started this blog when I was in Colombia pero dejé de escribir after a short while. And yes, believe it or not I am a changed person! Hahahaha besos xx
