17 de febrero de 2014

Adventures // An Illegitimate Love Affair

Since the beginning of 2014, I have maintained a somehow ~conservative~ lifestyle. Or at least I tried to. As I have mentioned in my previous entry, I asked alcohol if he could give me space, and because of this I rarely go out. If I do, it's just for food shopping, doing errands and occasional beer runs. It has also been a piece of work for my friends to reel me into getting dressed and spending a bunch of money on drinks and transpo fees when at the end of the night, we all know what is bound to happen: feeling broke and regret, and getting the inevitable hangover this old age has gracefully bestowed upon us. Also, CALORIES!

See, just a few months back, nothing–and I say NOTHING–could stop me from indulging in alcohol and social interaction. To me it didn't matter how penniless I was, I just had to go out (my closest friends could attest to this). Now it's just different. Even the most attractive offers (read: an all-expenses paid gimmick) could hardly make me consider getting out of bed. Perhaps I'm finally committing to my #1 New Year's resolution of cutting back on alcohol? Well maybe then it's a good thing.

But then this weekend transpired., and boy did a relapse happen. 

It started on Thursday night, when some girl friends had a spur-of-the-moment plan of spending the eve of Valentine's Day at a Mexican cantina called El Chupacabra. It was my first time there, and *@#!!($*&$@* it made me miss South America soooo much. It was everything from the blasting salsa music, the occasional vallenato, the legit-tasting tacos, the chilled out street vibe, FREE VODKA SHOTS, to the way the staff was just too friendly (LOL)... it was like I was in Colombia all over again!

The main bar of El Chupacabra. Viva México!
NOTE: Being there is also a good way to meet and interact with a lot of foreigners if you are one who is into that. I don't mean the D.O.M. type, although they are easily spotted within the vicinity. The cantina is right smack in the city's red light district, so go figure.

When it was time to head home, we took advantage of being in that area and crossed the street to check out Ringside, a place where midgets wrestle and ladies box! A definite must-see!
Because the normal-sized boxing gloves just won't do.
For Valentine's Day, which was the day after, I scheduled a movie marathon. Notting Hill was of course on top of the list, followed by various films ranging from indie Irish flicks to the usual Hollywood motion pictures. Partnered with homemade grilled cheese sandwiches (recipe soon, so stay tuned!) and a huge batch of baked potato wedges, it was easily the best date I've had in a while.
Yum yum in my tum! Easy recipe soon!
Saturday, well... Saturday was something else. My roommate, who happens to be one of my best friends, and I originally did not have plans of going out. We wanted to get dessert with another friend and stay in for yet another wholesome evening. Again it started out with a spur-of-the-moment invitation to where else but El Chupacabra. So off we went, with the same set of girl friends, and one thing just led to another. Next thing we knew, we were already conducting a "social experiment" on prostitution and its sociocultural implications. What better way to do this than immersing ourselves in the scene of the crime, right?
Girls just wanna have (too much) fun.
The aftermath involved more drinking, a random encounter with a Brazilian guy from São Paulo and an American dude from "New York City" (he said that in such an ostentatious way), a trip to Black Market/Finders Keepers NOTE: Also a cool place to meet new people and dance the night away. Be sure to already take a swig or two of scotch before heading there, prices might not be that friendly, and a late night Chinese food fest at North Park which included a dozen dumplings and a whole lot more. NOTE: North Park food is good but even better when slightly intoxicated. So much for eating healthy, huh?

Another thing I succumbed to that I had not done in a while was getting a haircut! Two years, one month, and fourteen days to be exact! It entailed a lot of emotions and doubts, and a lot of hair.
Before and after. The art of letting go.
Too much to handle in one weekend for an already reformed homebody, I would say, but tons of fun nevertheless! I definitely missed binge-drinking and seeing other people's faces other than that of my workmates'. I sure hope I don't give in to the old habits again anytime soon. 

Today I went back to my homebody self and did some cleaning, food shopping, and making one of my favorite healthy lunch combos (recipe soon!) for work tomorrow. Now I could just promise to be faithful to water again and to not cheat on him with alcohol, and I promise to hold it out as long as I could this time.

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